Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Yellow Treasure Basket

I took a month off from posting for the holidays - it was just so busy! Now that things have gotten back to our normal level of crazy around here, I should be posting more often again! 

Beatrix has been pointing out yellow things a lot lately and if I ask her to "choose the yellow one" she typically gets it right! So, to reinforce the concept of "yellow" I decided to make a yellow treasure basket, full of all sorts of different shades and textures! Plus - who doesn't need more sunshine and cheeriness in their life in January? 

Whats inside:
A piece of felt (23 cents at Walmart)
A feather
A rubber ducky
A Lego Duplo
A pipe cleaner
A paint chip
A ball
A Hotwheels car
A mirror
Some tissue paper
A (new) pair of rubber gloves
A small stuffed duck
Two mini emoji pillows

Get creative and search your house - you never know what you will find! Just make sure all items are safe for your child and try to provide a variety of sizes/weights/textures!

Beatrix is checking her basket out. I didn't get pictures, but earlier today she was putting on the rubber gloves and waving! I included the tissue paper knowing she would crumple and rip it, and that is okay! She made one tiny rip and looked at me to see if I would scold her. When I told her it was okay for her to rip she just tossed it aside! That ornery little girl! 

Elsa thought she had better make sure everything was safe for Bea.

Color themed baskets can be so quick to throw together - show me what you come up with!

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