Thursday, February 2, 2017

Valentine's Day Treasure Basket

Just a quick post with Bea's Valentine's day Treasure Basket

Less is best!

What's inside:

  • A pink sponge
  • Red and pink felt hearts
  • A pink heart box
  • Red and pink feathers
  • Pink hair rollers
  • A red pipe cleaner shaped into a heart
Everything in this basket was either from Dollar Tree or the Target Dollar Spot! The hair rollers and the sponge were from previous treasure baskets before I had this blog - I just went looking for the posts to link and then realized they didn't exist!

I have discovered Beatrix is more likely to play with the basket if it has less stuff in it. So far her favorite thing has been the feathers. We had a lot of fun letting them float down from above our heads and trying to land them in the basket!

I love doing holiday themed baskets - they are so easy to find things for! Remember, it doesn't have to be complicated! 

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