Thursday, February 16, 2017

Q-Tip Drop

Every time I go to the bathroom Beatrix pulls all the Q-tips out of the box in the cupboard. I decided to harness her interest and turn it into a fine-motor-skill-honing activity!

This has been such a hit and it couldn't have been easier to throw together.


  • Cardboard (I used a cereal box)
  • Mason Jar with lid
  • Q-tips
  • Scissors
  • Utility knife
  • Writing utensil (optional)

I think it is pretty self-explanatory. I traced around the outer edge of the ring part of the lid and cut out the circle. I trimmed it a little to the inside so the lid would screw on. I used a utility knife to cut a hole in the center (ish) and decorated it with some arrows pointing to the hole. I think you could potentially use a hole punch, if it was big enough. screw the lid on the jar and voila! 

I love the look of pride on her face when she gets one in! It is just difficult enough to keep her occupied for minutes on end without being so hard it frustrates her. She has asked me to take the lid off a few times - the little smarty figured out that it would be so much easier to get them in the jar that way. Work smarter not harder! She was so pleased that she was allowed to play with some Q-tips and has actually left the ones in the cupboard pretty well alone. Now instead of them being all over my bathroom, they are all over my living room, haha.

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