Monday, October 3, 2016

Meet Mr. Fish

Mr. Fish is just about the best dad I could imagine. He dearly loves our little Bea. He is a hands-on sort of dad. Right now, he is giving her a bath.

They have a special time together after his after-work shower. The two of them go upstairs and snuggle and 'talk' about their day. It gives me a nice chance to breathe after a long day.

He loves to baby-wear and is usually the one to wear Beatrix on our evening walks. His favorite is when she falls asleep all snuggled into him.

He has a degree in youth ministry and Christian education, but we have struggled to find a full-time position, so for now he is an iron foundry worker. He has gotten quite muscular and I am not complaining!

He works hard for our little family and for that we are forever grateful.

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