Monday, October 17, 2016

Messy Monday! (Giant Cereal Sensory Tub)

Happy Monday, everyone! I hope everyone had a great weekend. I spent most of my free time this weekend working on birthday party decorations. It's hard to believe my little baby will be 11 months old tomorrow! Today we are playing with one of our favorite messy activities - a cereal tub!
This is ALWAYS a big hit, and it is so easy!

All I did was round up all of the old cereal that no-one was eating. (Most of it was left over from scotcharoos or recipes that don't take the whole bag of cereal. The leftovers usually get pushed to the back of the cupboard, only to be forgotten next time I want to make treats. So more gets purchased and on the cycle goes.) I rounded it all up and dumped it in to our pool. This time I added some spoons and a few cups. Last time we had it in lots of big bowls. This is the second time for using this same cereal and I would imagine I will get a few more uses out of it.
 Discovering the cups!
 Taking a taste!
Her favorite part is crunching the cereal up!

I will leave this up all day for her and she can choose to play with it at will. Mr. Fish will give the floor a good vacuum tonight after we pick it up. (He is the vacuumer as Bea is terrified of it and needs her mama's arms while it is running.) 

Happy playing!

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