Monday, October 10, 2016

Messy Monday! (Pumpkin Spice Scented Paints)

Every Monday Beatrix and I do a messy activity to distract us from missing Mr. Fish after we had him home for 3 days. Mondays are a hard day for Bea, but doing something fun and new helps!
Messy/sensory play is a great way for little ones to learn and discover the world around them, all while having fun! 

This week we painted the bathtub with pumpkin spice scented paints! 

The orange on the right is just canned pumpkin leftover from the pumpkin bread I made last night. I normally would have saved it to make pumpkin pancakes, but I still have leftover pumpkin pancakes in my fridge that Mr. Fish made this weekend, so I thought it would be a perfect opportunity to make some fun fall paints!

The other 3 paints are baby oatmeal with a few drops of food coloring. I added a different spice into each color.

The green is clove, the yellow is nutmeg, and the red is cinnamon. They smelled super yummy!

 Since everything in the paint is edible, this is a perfect activity for little ones who still stick everything in their mouths. In fact, that just adds an extra sensory experience as they taste the flavors of the pumpkin and the different spices!
I gave her a big paintbrush and some cups to play with as well. The tub was cold and she didn't like that, so I ended up sitting her on a towel.

This would also be great on a highchair tray! You could mix and match colors and scents for practically any holiday or season. 

Bathtub painting is a fun sensory activity for babies, toddlers and even young children. It would be something that siblings would enjoy doing together - they could even paint each other! The cleanup is easy, just wash it down the drain.

If you do this activity, please share a picture, I'd love to see you having fun with your little ones!