Monday, October 31, 2016

Messy Monday Halloween Edition: Witches' Brew!

I love holiday-themed play, so when I saw that Halloween was going to fall on a Monday this year, my wheels starting turning, This is what I put together for our Halloween-themed messy play: Witches' Brew!

Here is what I used:
1 package of green Jello
1 container of mandarin oranges
1 package of giant googly eyes
3 toy frogs

I prepared the Jello per the package instructions and added in the fruit following the method on the box. When I added the fruit, I also added the google eyes. I poured the whole thing into a plastic cauldron over 3 bath-toy frogs.
I bought the store-brand Jello, but I didn't consider how the box was small, so it didn't fill up much of the cauldron. Also, I was going to have it set up in the cauldron, but it had a hole in the bottom, so that didn't work out how I planned either. But hey - we still had fun!
I didn't get a lot of pictures because once Beatrix got into it she wanted to share and as a result, I got sticky too.

I set it on a pastry mat and some towels to minimize the amount of mopping I would have to do. She actually stayed on the towels so no mopping for me!

I think older kids would really get into this activity. Especially if you had all of the ingredients in different bowls, they could mix and then serve the brew!

Happy Halloween!

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