Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Treasure Baskets

Treasure baskets are one of my favorite little activities to put together for Beatrix.

A treasure basket is essentially a collection of varied baby-safe non-toy objects for baby to explore. The items you choose should contrast with each other in some way and captivate different senses. I try to include different textures and weights. Something smooth, something rough, something that makes noise, something soft or squishy. Something with a good smell.  The items should be placed in a shallow basket so they are easy to see and grab. I like to plan my baskets with themes, although a random assortment would be just as fun! We switch it up every few weeks, to change with the seasons or as Beatrix starts getting bored. Mr. Fish is particularly good at coming up with ideas for the baskets.

In my house, the treasure basket sits out all the time, in an area slightly away from her toys. It could also be something you saved for times when your little ones are needing something different to do.

With the treasure basket, I try to make it more independent play, letting her discover each item on her own terms and deciding for herself what to do with it.

This is our current treasure basket that I have been calling "Autumn Treasures"

A list of what is in this basket:

  • Assorted gourds - some bumpy and some smooth -
  • Fake fall leaves
  • a nutmeg in an old ground nutmeg container (good for shaking)
  • a small amount of cinnamon in a spice jar (I covered with a scrap of cloth to try and keep the powder inside)
  • Candy corn in a jar (pretty to look at)
  • A pair of fuzzy socks
  • A ghost cookie cutter - growing up we would always make Halloween cookies with my grandma, a tradition I intend to pass down.
Since this picture was taken I have added some burlap and fall-patterned fabric scraps from her Halloween costume - I will post about that later!

There are no real rules involved with making a treasure basket and you can use everyday items from around the house - so it doesn't even have to cost a cent. 

If you were inspired to make a treasure basket I would love to see what you did! I am always looking for inspiration! 

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